Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I have realised in the little experience of life that i have, that its all about loving and living.
I say so because, we live because we love.

We love ... doing the work that we do so we live in it.
We love ... cooking the food that we cook so we live in it.
We love ... our body for the way it is(or the way we are always trying to get it to) so we live in it.
We love ... some or all of the people around us so we live in them.
We love ... those tiny little nuances that we(or the one's we love) have so we live in them.
We love ... so many things(sometimes inexplicable) and so we live in them.

People may argue otherwise and they may be right. I don't contradict them but On contrary I believe that this is what it bolis down to even after "loving for living".

Love is the greatest(if not the only) source of Passion for life.

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